To add a new client, you must use the New Customer form found under the Manage tab.
We do recommend waiting to begin filling out the form until all information has been confirmed with your client. Failure to provide all accurate information can delay the onboarding process for your client.
We recommend that you do not add a new client until they are ready to be onboarded (ready to do paperwork and the plugin is ready to be installed). Adding a new client when they are not ready to do paperwork can delay the process and even require them to re-do paperwork again later if they are waiting on you for their website.
The following fields are included in the form:
- Plan: you can choose Essentials or Premium
- Rate: please only use the Monthly option. Yearly does not apply to Direct Bill Partner clients
- Team Name (preferably the agent's name)
- Agent Name (first and last)
- Agent Email
- Agent URL
- Password (please use the format Lastname123456)
- Password Confirmation (re-enter the password)
- MLS Info (select the MLS the agent is a member of. When adding more than 1 MLS, use the "Add Another MLS" button at the bottom of the form)
The following line items, also included in the form, will be required for each MLS if multiple are selected:
- MLS Agent ID
- MLS Office ID
- Managing Broker’s Name
- Managing Broker’s Email
This information is required for the onboarding process. A broker will often need to be looped into the IDX forms to sign off that they authorize the agent to use IDX. We often use the Office ID or the Agent ID in these forms to identify the agent or the office the agent belongs to.